Thursday, November 6, 2008

Haskell Community Center Closes...Again

Some sad news for Civic Parkers:

"The often closed and re-opened Haskell Community Center has closed again, just one day after voters used it as a polling location on Election Day," writes Joe Lawlor of The Flint Journal.

"Workers boarded up and padlocked the Forest Hill Avenue building on Wednesday. Haskell had been closed for several years, but it re-opened in 2007 only to be closed again this week.

"Parks director Bob Cook said a variety of factors led to its closing, including a strapped city budget, lack of use and people stealing equipment from the center.

"'They didn't appreciate the center, and they took everything they could from it," said Cook, referring to stolen air conditioners and televisions. "There was very light participation.'"

1 comment:

  1. It's hard to understand how a community center can close due to lack of participation. A large part of my youth was spent inside those walls. My first jobs were checking baskets at the pool and setting pins for Bob Bach at the bowling alley. They don't know what they are missing.


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