Monday, December 8, 2008

Wagoner might need to get out for G.M. to get bailout

G.M.'s gain may be Chief Executive Rick Wagoner's loss.

The Wall Street Journal reports: "On Sunday, Sen. Christopher Dodd (D., Conn.), a supporter of emergency loans for Detroit, suggested Mr. Wagoner should go if the government follows through and provides billions of dollars to help the auto giant restructure and return to profitability."


  1. Seems like Wagoner inherited GM problems, rather than having created them.

  2. He's had them for a long time, though. Mullally has the excuse that he just got there a couple years ago.

  3. The Rick has been at GM his entire career. He has contributed to the current state more than other current GM exec. If GM had a board of directors that were were anything he would of hit the road years ago. The Rick and his generation of leader at GM only know how to lose market share/profits ect. So long.

  4. I agree with Dodd, but only if the Senator from Countrywide sets an example for Wagoner to follow, and resigns himself first.


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