Thursday, April 9, 2009

As if he didn't have enough to do already

In addition to writing what seems like half the stories in The Flint Journal, Joe Lawlor now has a blog called Flint City Beat that's worth checking out.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Gordie.....Don't give me too much credit, though.....There's many people doing lots of good work over here....

    Anyway, the idea for the blog is to talk about the ins and outs of City Hall in a more conversational style that really highlights the personality of those running the joint.

    So far, we've had posts about perceived betrayal by former Mayor Don Williamson, dead dogs, a mayoral candidate baking bread and other goodies.

    We also want to get into some non-City Hall related items, but right now the May 5 primary election is dominating my coverage, so that's what I've been writing about.

    I also want to say how much I enjoy flintexpats.....The historical stuff is fascinating and I learn a lot about Flint from the Web site, especially what Catholic school was like in the late 70s and early 80s :)

    Joe Lawlor


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