Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Long-Lasting Effects of Catholic School

Talk about the long-lasting impact of a Catholic education in Flint...I just noticed that on my long-running post that begs for money, I inadvertently asked readers for a "Papal donation" instead of a Paypal donation. I went in and changed it, but I wanted to assure everyone that any donations go straight to me for expenses, not the Vatican, which has a much more sophisticated fundraising apparatus. It's also a reminder that I need the divine intervention of a copy editor.


  1. The Bishop in Lansing has decided recently that two elementary schools: Holy Redeemer and Holy Rosary is to be closed because of low enrollment. I know that Holy Rosary receives no funding from the diocese. They have always gotten their own funding and they've gotten a repreive. If they can get enrollment up they can remain open.

    One way to help is Betty Crocker Boxtops for Education

    There are many products that have a little coupon on them. Collect them and send them to your school of choice.

    Also collect upc's from Campbells soup and Pepridge Farms products. Those can also be sent in to the school who can redeem for cash

  2. They can't close holy redeemer! Who will St. Pius have left to play basketball against?!

  3. It's going to have to be Pius versus Mons. Mayotte (St. Johns) in a 7-game series every year from here on out. Maybe they could just round up some random Catholic kids in Flint and create a few non-school teams to round out the league.


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