Thursday, July 8, 2010

Flint Photos

Is it just me, or have the posts lately come dangerously close to the equivalent of a vacation slideshow that a neighbor forces you to watch?


  1. Flint Journal headline: "SHOOTINGS IN FLINT SPIKE IN RECENT DAYS. FORMER FLINT NATIVE BELIEVED RESPONSIBLE." Hey, it's almost like being there--without the threat of violence, that is. Keep shooting, Gordie. =^O

    I'm still believing, "The Future Live in Flint!"

  2. Seeing as all the Flint Journal posts online lately is something similar to a police blotter... I wouldn't be surprised...(sorry, you don't really have to post that - I am just tired of hearing all negatives, when I know there are lots of positives going on too)

  3. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Though I have seen many of these things before, I don't necessarily pay close attention to them either. It's cool to see what piques your interest around here.

  4. No, not a slide show at all. Keep it up!

  5. Lived here all my life (36 years) and have never seen some of these places before. Keep up the good work, Gordon!


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