Sunday, March 20, 2011

Daewoo Comes to Jane Avenue

Something tells me this is a resourceful use of a billboard by a Jane Avenue resident and not an example of guerrilla marketing by Daewoo.


  1. That's absolutely the most perfect tag line for this photo Gordon! Now you've got me wondering what else you caught a glimpse of on your last visit.

  2. I have to say, Dave, that this was one of the most unexpected things I've seen in Flint in a while.

  3. My grandparents lived on Jane....475 now runs over where their beautiful old home stood.

  4. I used to play at the 475 construction site with my pals from St. Mary's, probably near your grandparents house. That highway and the other highway projects needlessly took out a lot of homes and many memories, in my opinion.

  5. There is a block on Jane St. where there are no houses.


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