Friday, March 16, 2012

The Copa

Anyone out there have any digital photos of the interior of The Copa? If so, feel free to send them my way. The original location would be best, but anything you have will be much appreciated.


  1. I worked at the Copa, it was initially called The Downtowners Club. I do not remember much in regards to people taking photos, particularily in the daytime. Bill Kane was a good man, wonderful employer, we had great fun in those days.

  2. Gordon, I have one how do i get it to you, I have quite a few Flint photos you need to have,

  3. Gordon, I have an interior shot of the Copa, I have many other Flint photos I would like you to have,

  4. Great, Dave. Just sent me an email at gyoung(at)flintexpats(dot)com and we'll figure out the photos.

  5. I have a bunch of COPA interior photos, original location around 1980. I used to bartend and DJ (college night on Thursdays) there...also was Bill Kain's "partner" (and I don't mean business) for a couple years before moving to Houston.

    Message me on FB-

    Michael DeGrace

    1. Hello I am freddy aka Fast Freddy can we talk did you read my parofile on here contack me at thanks

  6. CAN any one help me I was Bills lover when we had the Downtowners Club together I was the one that made lots of decision lol but any can anyone help me with some pictures that has to do with the org Downtowners club any pictures or club art work the like lost from a fire the old pictures and art works and paperwork was all lost it sure would be aprsheated thanks from Fast Freddy Fred Bannon 345 s Sherman ave lyons ks EMAIL text number is 620 680 1741 would love to here from any one that has in of these thing please


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