Saturday, November 30, 2013

Flint Artifacts: Wide Awake Club

Was the Wide Awake Club The Flint Journal's finest achievement?


  1. WAC was okay if you liked crappy kid stuff. It was certainly no "Out Pick Poniers" though.

    1. I was one of those kids who looked FWD to WAC every week & wrote a poem
      for it in 1956 at age 11. I won a book. Mom drove me from Montrose to Flint
      to claim my prize but, because of the one-way streets, she couldn't get to the
      Flint Journal building. She finally gave up & said, "Forget it. I'll buy you a book!" Not the same somehow. Still remember that, & now I'm 78.

  2. Wrote a poem for WAC in 1956 when I was 11 & won a book. How might I find a copy of my poem? We lived in Montrose at the time. Mom drove me to Flint to claim my prize, but because of one-way streets, she couldn't figure out how to get to the Flint Journal building, gave up & drove back home saying, "I'll buy you a book." Not the same! I'm still remembering this at age 78.


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