Friday, March 7, 2014

Fashion Business: Sit-Down Strikers Versus Tech Workers

Despite being holed up in an auto plant for weeks on end and battling police, National Guard troops, and management goons, the Flint Sit-Down Strikers still managed to be more stylish than today's Google workers.

Does foosball make you dress badly?


  1. It used to be that nerds were considered social misfits. They didn't have much visibility in technical histories. They tended to end up in academia, as independent inventors, working for small businesses, or underutilized in other ways. Back then, engineering was mostly mechanical in nature, and engineers spent a lot of time doing drafting and developing industrial processes.

    It was during the latter half of WWII and the early 1950s, I think, that the technical world realized via the contributions of MIT and Harvard folks among the many labs and small tech businesses around Boston that nerds often were superior conceptual engineers. The rise of the Route 128 tech belt around Boston, simultaneous with the earliest days of Silicon Valley, was the beginning of electronic engineering as the dominant technical force in society, and the beginning of the takeover of the cutting edge of engineering by nerds.

    Everyone knows that nerds as a general rule don't "get" style and don't dress well. They do other things well, though.

  2. the o.g. auto industry was all square ass old men in suits while tech looks more like 20-something nerds and chicks... cute chicks at that... I'm sure they are/were mostly horrible people, but I'll take t-shirted gender equality over suit and tie women-oppressors anyday... modernity rules, nostalgia drools...

    ... Repulsion is WAAAYYYY better than that bunkus lookin' sit-down strike jug band... 80s>30s...


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