Friday, March 7, 2014

Fashion Business: Billy Durant and J. Dallas Dort Versus Google's Larry Page and Sergey Brin

Still more fashion advice from the early auto industry for today's high-tech titans. Fashion isn't just the clothes, but how you wear them. And how you act in public while you're wearing them. G.M. founder Billy Durant and automotive pioneer J. Dallas Dort show how to hang out in style. And then there's the founders of Google.


  1. Google has never been about clothing statements. Glad they aren't hung up that.

  2. Dort and Durant look like they could have you snuffed out and swimming with the fish in a second, while the Google boys could be touring with the kids show "The Wiggles"

  3. Meh... Durant with that goofy smile in the other photo looks like a turn o' the century version of Brin. In reality Dort and Durant were boring businessmen. Don't be fooled by looks. The Google Boys conspire with China and the NSA. Page and Brin got blood on their hands and don't give an F. Durant and Dort just made some cars.


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