Thursday, February 26, 2009

UM-Flint Gets Physical?

First dorms, now sports at UM-Flint?

1 comment:

  1. Ugh. First they should develop some academic departments that actually attract students from outside of Mid-Michigan.

    What type of athletes are they going to recruit? If they have a basketball team it better be REALLY, REALLY good in order to compete for fans with the high schools.

    A football program would be a huge waste. Not only a drain on funds, but really who is gonna wanna go see UMF get throttled by the likes of Olivet, Alma, Adrian, and Albion?

    Ice hockey could be a possibility due to the fact that there are fewer teams, however the Flint area is competitively the weakest region in the state. Couple that with all of the junior A, B, and C teams and maybe there ain't such a large pool of talent after all.

    Wrestling? Baseball? How about archery? UMF Arrows anyone?


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