Monday, March 23, 2009

Ann Arbor News, R.I.P.

The Ann Arbor News bites the dust. is born.

(Confession: I always read The Detroit Free Press during my short stints in Ann Arbor.)


  1. re the birth of I just posted something about this on I watched the little video and couldn't help wondering about the reasoning behind the plan to let the readers determine the editorial content of the site. Suppose they choose the oreos over the broccoli? I also get the heebie-jeebies when digital journalism sites congratulate themselves on welcoming community "content"... you know, the stuff that reporters used to be paid to do. All about the 12 percent solution -- no matter how it's sold. bk

  2. The Flint Journal is on its last legs too - only printing 3 days a week starting in June.


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