Monday, April 12, 2010

Say yah to da U.P., dude!

Flint Expatriate Joe "The Quilter" Cunningham passed along this intriguing map, perfect for anyone interested in both sourdough bread and pasties. Or gay bars and snowmobiling. Or the Golden Gate Bridge and the Mackinac Bridge. Or cable cars and hockey. Or Golden Gate Park and Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park. Okay, I'll stop now.


  1. I guess the "Upper Peninsula" in this case would be what San Franciscans just call "the Peninsula," namely everything south of the city of San Francisco. So the UP in this case is actually the southern part of the peninsula. That makes no sense, but I can't figure out what else it would refer to around here.

  2. I lived in DA UP for years. I never knew this map existed. Pretty neat stuff. Thanks!


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