Wednesday, August 19, 2009


In the discussion of the Detroit Lions new logo, I forgot to highlight my favorite version. It has a childlike simplicity mixed with a hint of seventies-era automotive badging, despite the fact it was dropped as the primary logo in 1969. And unlike the most recent incarnation, this lion doesn't look like he needs to lose a few pounds. Not sure it would work on a helmet, but I still think this is the best of the bunch.


  1. I'm sorry, but that tail makes it look like a really elaborate paper clip.

  2. Gordon----It looks like a safety pin has been inserted into the ole lion!

  3. God, I've left myself no way out on this one. I could back peddle, but I refuse. I continue to endorse this Paper Clip/Safety Pin Lion! (Hey, is that a George Plimpton book?)

  4. They should bring this logo back because it perfectly symbolizes both the offense and defense.

    Offensively -- moving forward cautiously with unimaginative 'dives' into the line followed by a three and out punt which is hoped will eventually provide the field position that'll bring the Lions close enough to score.

    Defensively -- moving backward slowly, grudgingly but inevitably giving ground in hopes that the opponent will commit a turnover before they reach the end zone.

  5. I would buy one, if they made a money clip out of it. That's about as close as my money would get next to the Lions. unclebuck

  6. Following a lively discussion with my Co-workers regarding the 50 worst cars ever, I walked away from the computer. oops.

    One of them scrolled down to this logo.

    Yes, the kitties play the Saints in the first regular season game. What is that thing coming out of that cat's butt?


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