Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Auto salvage

Pat McFarlane, who graduated from Flint Central sixty years ago,
and her highly trained attack dog, Rob Roy, check out some wreckage that originated in Buick City.

You never know when you might run across an old Buick. And like the city where they were once made, some Buick's have fallen on hard times.

I just completed a road trip from Maple Leaf, Iowa, to Tacoma, Washington with my mom, Pat McFarlane, and her very large dog, Rob Roy, in a Ford truck. (It's a long story and a long trip, but we had a lot of fun and we're still on speaking terms.) We were at a windswept rest stop in the Wenatchee Mountains when we spotted a semi loaded with crushed cars.

"I'm sure there's a Buick in there," my mom said.

I disagreed, as usual.

And, as usual, she was right.

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