Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Flint Artifacts: Patch and Ball Gun Club Button

Absolutely no idea what the Patch & Ball Gun Club is or was. Anyone who knows please chime in, although I'm a little afraid of the answer.


  1. It's Sarah Palin's NRA-endorsed chapter of Planned Parenthood. You put a patch over your eye and hope that your kid does't get knocked up and if she does...you just grab the gun for a good ole fashion Alaskan shotgun wedding.

  2. Who can top that answer (from richafrost)? Not I.

  3. It is most definitely untoppable.

  4. Really? I thought it was brain-dead myself.

    Don't know about this club specifically, but I'm going to guess it's for fans of black powder firearms like flintlocks and muzzle-loaders.

  5. yeah, muzzleloaders. I believe they evolved into the Wolverines, not to be confused w/the militia up around here. They're also enjoying Single Action Shooting style sport. A fair sized group, w/members in Saginaw and Bay city also. they put on re-enactments every summer. we call them dog and pony shows. cleaner GY?

  6. And palin wouldn't marry them, she'd hire an airplane or chopper, and shoot 'em down just like wolves and bears in her state. yeah, and the only complaint w/big oil for her, is that they aren't DRILLING enough. 'choirboy' and milfina, she-wolf of the rnc" there's a pair to draw on...

  7. Bustup, you're showing remarkable restraint, man!


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