Thursday, September 25, 2008

Gypsy Jack: A Flint Legend

As this photo reveals, you just never know what you'll run into on the East Side of Flint.

The Flint Journal has discovered that Gypsy Jack's house is for sale on eBay, which is old news to Flint Expatriates readers. The Journal story includes two fantastic file photos, so we finally have a nice shot of the house and Roy "Gypsy Jack" Steffenson Jr. in all his glory. (Thanks to Slick for passing this one along.)


  1. My uncles were all good friends of Gypsy Jack's. They worked together. When the old tv show Real People taped a segment on Jack and his house my Uncle Paul was there and afterward the producers of the show took everyone our for lunch... Hot dog and cokes at Angelo's. I guess they wanted the full "Flint experience". Heh.

  2. according to page one of the flint urinal Gypsy Jack's ponderosa was sold by an Australian to a Canadian

    wow, even the east side is being

  3. From a story in the Burton View community newspaper about a neighborhood group calling itself Peace Mob Gardens:

    "The houses that are salvageable are being bought by Peace Mob Gardens (and) are transformed into livable structures once again.

    The group has recently bought an old relic home affectionately called Gypsy Jacks House located on Davison Road. They began its redemption this year."

  4. Heck, if no one else will do the next post on this, I'll do it myself.

    With *four* threads here about Gypsy Jack and his house, there must be someone somewhere around town that knows more about the latest folks to get involved.

    More info, please. Go ahead, speak right up. Anybody?

  5. I used to live across the street from Gypsy Jacks

  6. I hung out there in the 70s cool guy


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