Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Letter from Canada

Susanne Grundison, the new owner of Gypsy Jack's house, sends a message to Flintoids from British Columbia:

"I have enjoyed all the feedback, support and dialogue on my 'leap of faith'. I was contact by a neighbor of the home and she was kind enough to send me photos of the inside taken within the last 6 months. You are correct that the photo of the home in it's original glory is a far cry from where it is today. But, you can still see the good bones so there is still optimism. I am trying to get out there to visit the property before the bad weather comes, I may just have to organize boarding the home up just to leave it in the state it is now and come out in the spring/summer to start working on it when the weather is better. So please don't be offended if it is boarded up for now. If you could watch over it until I get there it would be appreciated. I have been reading up on Flint, your colorful history, your spirit, and am happy that you are all passionate about your neighbors. I look forward to meeting you all. "

1 comment:

  1. I some how just found this page. Looking for a pic of the driving range at Flint Southwestern. Class of 78. While scrolling I seen this. I left Flint to work at Saturn. I'm now retired..I see this was from 2008. I remember Gypsy Jack and his place well. Did this person ever follow thru?l Pics? Send me some.


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