Saturday, September 27, 2008

Mowing for the mayor

When he's not ordering city workers to create useless drag strips with taxpayer money, Flint Mayor Don Williamson is having them spruce up his own property.

Joe Lawlor of The Flint Journal reports:
Two city parks workers said that they and other workers mowed the grass, cleared debris and pulled weeds for three hours in late August on property that is serving as new headquarters for Williamson's gubernatorial campaign.

Parks workers Tony Cole and Fred Snowden said the cleanup of Williamson's property and an adjacent parking lot was included in two days they and other workers spend tidying up a quarter-mile of Glenwood Avenue from Asylum Street to Chevrolet Avenue.

"It's not cool. We're not getting paid to do that. We're getting paid to help the city," said Snowden.

But Williamson was not apologizing for the cleanup, saying that it's part of the city's plan to improve all of Glenwood Avenue.

Wait a minute! Did I read that right? Gubernatorial campaign? Is Don Williamson really planning to inflict his "leadership" on the entire state? How did I miss this?


  1. what? you really didn't know? He announced quite a while ago.

    HIs slogan is something like-bringing honesty back to state government. His office is at the turn on Saginaw at about the 9 1/2 mile mark for the crim, right in front of the courthouse. So while you are trying to finish a 10 mile race without puking, you see that (after passing his home at the 7 1/2 mile mark-I slapped hubby for waving at him)

  2. the office on saginaw across from the court house is now the hq for his 'end the corruption committee'

    i beleive his gubenatorial hq is the former union hall across from the beaver trap ( camaro lounge ) and behind the former laffertys
    t.tty city

    this is where the parks people allege to have done some cleaning of weeds and etc

  3. i stand corrected. the building across from the old court house is the gubenatorial hq and the stop the hq

    it's hard to keep up with the don


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