Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday to Flint Expatriate and Central High grad Patricia McFarlane Young. She's 79 today. Have a great day, Mama.

Go here for some of Pat's reflections on Flint. And here for her memories of etiquette lessons at the Durant. And here for a story of what works means for a Flint native.


  1. Happy birthday, Mom Young. (And where on the eastside did the McFarlane family live?)

  2. Illinois Avenue between Olive and Iowa. You could see Homedale from the backyard.

  3. Duane Gilles commented on your note "Happy Birthday!":

    "Happy Birthday Mama Young!"

  4. I got a good laugh while reading your Mom's Remembrances when she mentioned the part about trying to blend in with 400 group. I had forgotten that term completely. My brother went to Flint Central about the same time. He came home from school one afternoon and complained that his buddies were giving him a hard time because he started dating a 400. She was a beauty and my parents loved her too. Dody Howes, I loved her too. That's what little brothers are for. Hope you had a great birthday Mom Young....unclebuck

  5. Happy Birthday to you Mrs. Young - I've no doubt you duly celebrated the occasion! By the way: there are a lot of us out there looking forward to your next contribution to this fantastic blog :)

  6. Many Many Happy Returns Mother Young! Belated, but Sincere! And Best Wishes also! I Hope the day was spent w/Your Loved Ones around You...Cheers! k.


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