Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Flint Fires: Fire Fighters Struggle to Respond

Flintoid Johnny Mason took this photo near Court and Corunna at 7 a.m. today on his way to work.

More suspected cases of arson in Flint this week.

David Harris of The Flint Journal reports:
An abandoned house caught fire around 5:45 a.m. at 1713 Jane Avenue, near Franklin. It started in the living room and kitchen area, said Andy Graves, battalion chief.

Fire crews were responding to two fires simultaneously late last night, Graves said. The first was around 10 p.m. at an old apartment building at Oak Street near Court. One firefighter injured her foot when a nail went through her boot. She was treated and released, Graves said.


  1. That report from the Journal is from two days ago. This article corresponds with the picture.

    I've been driving around taking pictures of the damage to all of these houses, and then saving a screen cap of the Street View of the houses when they were still standing. It's a daunting task, but I want to remember every building that has been lost in this horribly violent week.

  2. Good work,J.L As the old saying goes, "a picture is worth ten thousand words" in this case, before and after. Let us hope your camera gets a rest from this insanity soon.


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