Thursday, March 10, 2011

Another Great Flint T-Shirt...Although Northern Vikings May Not Like It So Much

After years of lame Flint t-shirts, suddenly there are all kinds of great ones out there. This one is created by Flint Expatriate T. R. Pearson, who now lives in New York. He emailed me a little background info:

I’m a fourth generation Flint native, and third generation Flint Central High School graduate (my older sister went to Powers ). We grew up in the East Village just down the street from Pierce Elementary, where I went most of the time, except for a short stint at Donovan Mayotte, now St. John Vianney. Whittier for middle, then Central and Northern (magnet).

I made these shirts because I didn’t have any clothes from Central that fit me. Everything was XL. I was dismayed when they got rid of the Indian and wanted to bring it back because it represented pride and tradition for so many graduates, for so many years. I researched old yearbooks at the Flint Library and even found the printing company that had been making Flint Central shirts since the 80s.

I bought one of these already and I'm proudly wearing it in San Francisco. Pick up one here on eBay.

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