I found this 1982 press photo of David Wallace, a Flint attorney, for sale on eBay. No idea what the story is behind this shot. Perhaps Wallace was channeling author Tom Wolfe and his signature white suit.

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Wearing a suit like that in Flint Town in the early eighties was probably a sure fire way to get your ass kicked.
ReplyDeletePerhaps he only wore it for meetings with clients, and into court in front of judges, that he thought would be favorably impressed by his sartorial splendor.
ReplyDeleteHe appears to have had nice digs, too.
I'm just wondering what building he is in... looks too nice to be Michigan Music.
ReplyDeleteMy recollection (working at the District Court in the mid-80s) was that there were a number of rather nattily dressed attorneys about town. Very old school. I'd be more interested if anyone recognizes the foyer/lobby he is in... looks like a grand victorian building...was it his law office?
ReplyDeleteThis is a picture of the foyer of the Cornwall Building, 624 So. Grand Traverse Street, Flint. In fact, I'm there right now, sitting in my office a few feet from that front-door picture. The buiding is owned by my father, attorney John M. Wright and was owned by him when that picture was taken. I just showed him the picture and he got quite a kick out of it. I can tell you the picture (minus Mr. Wallace) would look exactly the same today. Nothing has changed. I'd be happy to post some pictures of the building if Gordon would want to post them.
ReplyDeleteWas there a carriage house that was converted into apartments behind the Cornwall building?
DeleteJohn, I'd be happy to post your photos. Just send digital copies to gyoung(at)flintexpats(dot)com.