Sunday, September 9, 2012

Singalong with Michigan

Flint makes an impressive appearance at 2:54.


  1. What, no Burton?

    1. I guess it's for cities, not suburban entities of various types.

    2. Or more likely...since Burton is rather larger in population than, say, St. was a matter of knowing the producers at the right time.

  2. You may remember that Jim Madaus (at 2:02) also did weather at WJRT-TV Channel 12 Flint many years ago now.

  3. I guess everybody in Michigan is white, pretty much. What pablum.

    1. Very white! Unless there were some non-white people in those hot air balloons they showed.

  4. Man, that was hit after hit of crap I don't want to do in Michigan. Face it, MI is pretty dull.

    The songs sucks too. They should have done a remake of Say Yes To Michigan.

  5. Indians ... still locked in the cupboard. I was thrilled, though, to see Country Dairy of New Era in there. These are some of the best business owners you'd ever hope to know, they make great products and their farm and livestock are so clean, I marvel at how much work they have to put into their enterprise.


Thanks for commenting. I moderate comments, so it may take a while for your comment to appear. You might enjoy my book about Flint called "Teardown: Memoir of a Vanishing City," a Michigan Notable Book for 2014 and a finalist for the 33rd Annual Northern California Book Award for Creative NonFiction. Filmmaker Michael Moore described Teardown as "a brilliant chronicle of the Mad Maxization of a once-great American city." More information about Teardown is available at