LarryPrune said...
My father and grandfather both retired from A.C. Spark Plug. My grandfather was an experimental metal model maker in the model shop. They were making coasters and Frisbees in the injection molding machines, and cutting bottle openers from a block of aircraft aluminum on some type of CNC machine. I have a spark plug keychain, as well as various plastic coasters, and a bottle opener made in the model shop during the 75th anniversary open house. I was in elementary school at the time. I recently drove by, and the engineering/model shop is the only building left between Averill and Dort.

Larry-- The spark plugs hold fond memeories for me as my dad made them. We have a few and when I see them I buy them. The frisbee the embossed one was made by my brother and cousin. Miss parts of Flint but not all of it. That is a neat picture.