Monday, February 9, 2009

The Don is Done

It won't take a recall vote later this month to remove Flint Mayor Don Williamson from office. He just resigned.

The Flint Journal reports:

Mayor Don Williamson announced today that he is "retiring," finally putting to rest weeks of speculation.

In an 11:20 a.m. news conference, Williamson cited health reasons for leaving office. His resignation is effective midnight Sunday. He took no questions from the media, and read from a prepared statement.

"Last month, I celebrated my third sinus infection in 13 months and my eighth kidney stone since Nov. 1. My doctors have told me that I should think about relaxing my schedule and reducing the demands on my time," said Williamson.


  1. Those weren't kidney stones. They were his 'marbles' as in the by-product of a full-blown Napoleonic Complex at maturity.

  2. Good riddence to bad rubbish!
    maybe now Flint can get someone in there that is not a racist a-shole!


  3. long time coming...too long. he ditched before the Feeb's nailed his fat ego to the fence.

  4. I am amazed that he was ever elected in the first place. I could smell corruption on him all those times he ran before. I figure that the people elected him just to shut him up, and when he did an okay job those first few months I figured I was wrong about him. Alas, it turns out I had his number all along.


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