Thursday, September 17, 2009

Flint Photos: Patsy Lou and Don Williamson


  1. Holy cow. I need an 8 1/2 by 11 of that... and not in inches but feet.
    Patsy Lou is looking lovely as always, but Don... I dunno. He looks sorta like Patrick from Sponge Bob.

  2. Richard Roosevelt BanksSeptember 17, 2009 at 3:03 PM

    Notice the glowing aura around Flint's former first couple. Positive vibes and good mojo just seem to emanate from their presence.

  3. Looks kind of like Boss Hogg

  4. I like the Williamsons. They may have shortcomings, but so does pretty much everyone else.

    (Well, maybe not Gordy.)

    Talented/hardworking/lucky businesspeople are essential for a community to have a workable economy.

  5. Reflecting on a few of my old prom and wedding photos is all I need do, to keep the wisecracks at a minimum.

  6. I think they both look good. In fact, Patsy Lou is downright HOT!!

  7. Patsy Lou is absolutely gorgeous. Don looks like a million bucks... worth of plastic pickup truck bedliners stacked floor to ceiling. I'll betcha he could have kicked the arse of every single Flint Expats contributor back in his salad days... and you better believe Ex-Con Don don't eat no salad.

    Hall's Flats REPRESENT!!

    Oh, one more thing. I'll pay top dollar for that chair.

  8. Stunning. Absolutely stunning. What a dashing couple. They are too good for Flint.


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