Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Flint Foodies

Here's something I never really expected to see...a blog about the Flint culinary scene called Eating Flint. Maybe Flint and San Francisco aren't as different as I thought.


  1. The Flint culinary scene is defined largely (not exclusively, of course) by Coney Islands, which people outside of Flint and Detroit believe are chili dogs (!)

    Hope to see Angelo's mentioned some day!

    Steve Vivian

  2. Read the article in "Eating Flint" about El Dia de los Muertos, the Latin version of The Day of The Dead. All Soles Day also. The writer wondered why it hadn't caught on more in the Midwest. Well,that Maanadooke or celebration has been taking place here in this part of the US since before the first Europeans hit the East coast. Native Americans just celebrated it a day ago. Jiibenaake (Feast Honoring The Dead), a Sacred Fire is struck in the traditional way, with an alter and pipe, feast meal,drumming and songs. A small Spirit Plate (Jiibayag desinaagon) is offered to the fire slowly and quietly by individuals honoring those relatives and friends who have crossed over to the other side. Then everyone partakes of the feast meal and talk about those who have passed, but not mentioning the names of those who have passed in the last year. It's too soon. The practice of this honoring is not as prevalent as it was years ago, but in some areas it hasn't diminished at all. In my Community it's remembered each year,so maybe I will be honored this way also....unclebuck-Agaamii Ge Giishig or (across the sky)

  3. I'm sorry, but I didn't mention the cuisine. The subject of the article is about food not events. Game and fish, berries, rice, corn,sweet water, squash,beans. Fry bread came along a couple hundred years later.Mmmmm,ever had a frybread taco at a Pow Wow? unclebuck


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