Monday, November 5, 2012

If This Is True, Flint Is the Funniest Place in the World

Our Economy by Teresa Wozniak


  1. Flint Historian ApproximatelyNovember 6, 2012 at 9:14 AM

    Apparently, Flint has always been about The Economy. Didn't the Economy Shoe Store once have a logo something like that on a sign above the entrance? I thought that was where the picture was from when I saw it. Anyway, there were some good people I met over the years from the downtown shoe stores-Lauren Elliot, Booth Hollister, and Garo Kotchounian.

  2. I sold shoes there in 1964 and 1965 while I went to Flint Junior College. I wonder if Booth Hollister is still alive. Last time I saw him he had a shoe store in Grand Blanc. RGG


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