Friday, September 20, 2013

Powers and St. John Vianney Students Unite in Flint

ABC 12 – WJRT – Flint, MI

The impact of Powers Catholic High School relocating to the City of Flint can be measured in many ways. The high school has already partnered with Kettering University and UM-Flint to enable Powers kids to take classes at the two universities. And it offers another anchor for the city's core, linking St. John Vianney School with Kettering and Powers. It's another incremental improvement in Flint that I hope will help the city make the slow climb to stability.

Go here for information on how you can help support Powers.


  1. Now, would someone please restore Flint Southwestern High School to its former glory?

  2. Thats fantastic and John Reynolds is a great man.


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