Saturday, April 19, 2014

Flint Artifacts: Channel 12 Do Nothing Club Button


  1. Torrey Hammerberg XIIApril 20, 2014 at 7:46 AM

    I remember the logo, but not the button. I guess it referred to people doing nothing and watching TV. The font with the bottom curve of the J below the "line" is the same font that the founders of WJRT, Goodwill Stations, used at WJR Detroit also. With present day call letter rules, they could have been WJR-TV, but having been forced to locate the tower near Chesaning instead of near Clarkston, it wouldn't mean that much, but it would probably have attracted more national sales at that time.

  2. Before I listed the button on E-bay I tried to some research but unfortunately I found zilch. I'm still wondering the meaning. Buickman36


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