Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Another Flint Mystery Photo

Anyone recognize this spot?


  1. ? 900 block of third ave. between wolcott st. and prospect st.

    1. I think you are right! I used to live in that area. Is there a definite answer somewhere? Just curious.

  2. I don't know, but what that last photo was to the color white, this is to pale yellow.

  3. Detroit and Page St.?

    I just streetviewed Stockdale St. east of MLK... weird, it looks strangely occupied and normal, much how I remember it 30 years ago...

  4. I think this Shell station was located at Lynch Street and Davison Road across from Hans Bros. grocery store.

    1. Fredericks of New Port RicheyDecember 30, 2014 at 9:20 PM

      Probably not. Houses around that part of the Eastside are/were generally smaller and more shack like. Big houses like that were closer to downtown.


  5. If this is the corner of Witherbee and Avenue A, I lived in the house in the background as a child. This would be Elmer Loudon's station.

  6. Not Elmer Louden's spot... there are a surprising number of still standing structures on that corner to reference. Then again, maybe they were on the north side of Witherbee. Who cares.

  7. This looks like the service station on 3rd ave. just west of Atwood Stadium.

    1. That's exactly what I was thinking.

    2. I believe the building is still there....

  8. Chevrolet and Flushing across from Rubes ?

  9. i agree w/ chevrolet & flushing.
    as an ex GMer i used to stumble home from rubes every night to my home in mott park.
    it was the late 80s/early 90s tho... memory is CRUSTY!!!!

  10. Definitely Cheverolet and Fiushing, I lived a few blocks away on Flushing Rd for about 20 yrs and used to go there for service. The owners Dad had the station that started a block north on the northwest corner. Same side of the street as Rubes now, but, Rubes was originally on Flushing Rd west of Cheverolet. There used to be a Women's clothing store on the corner and Rubes was just west of that, last time I was through there it was a Flower shop.


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