Thursday, January 10, 2013

Flint Photos: The Old YWCA and YMCA

The old YWCA on 1st Street. (Photo by Mary Fisher)

The old YMCA on Kearsley. Note the phone booth in front. (Photo by Mary Fisher)


  1. Great photos! I vividly remember taking swimming lessons there throughout grade school, and their open swim. There was a little built-in stand on the ground floor that sold candy bars, etc., and my favorite was to buy a box of chewy Milk Duds for a quarter, if I recall correctly. There was another room on the main floor with high ceiling and equally high windows where they served lunch. I used to go there on occasion with my mom when shopping downtown. Fond memories. And the YMCA was on the corner across from the Palace movie theatre. It was torn down to be replaced 1st by a public library then parking lot. The Palace Theatre on what is now U of M grounds. Saw 'Williard' there in 71! The theatre was torn down in 1977. Miss the old Flint.

    1. The YWCA also had a room on the main floor with high windows that we had lunch in. I went there for Y camp in the summer. I'm pretty sure that the pool was on the second floor and we had theatre and dance classes on the third floor.


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