Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Art and commerce

Sherrie Lynn and Russ Palmer, two creative Flint residents, resort to folk art and popular slang to stop prostitution.

(Photo by Bruce Edwards/Flint Journal)


  1. Perhaps if these budding folkies spent less time creating these quaint yet horrible objects d'art and more time trying to solve the complex socio-economic, cultural, and gender-related isues that contribute to "crimes" such as prostitution and drug use they'd see less of it in their front yard. Da lazy bums.

    Hmmm, maybe if they removed the manhole covers from the street they could capture johns, hookers, pimps, and pushers trap-door style like the bad guys used to do on Scooby Doo.

  2. But making poorly executed outsider art is easier and more fun, smurfs.

  3. I was just goofin' on 'em and the know-it-all types who always parse the sociological implications of a given situation. Sometimes you just don't want scum on your street. The signs are one thing, but if you really want to affect change ya gotta get aggressive. Harass the hookers, intimidate the johns, and the pimps? I think ya gotta shoot them.

  4. the manhole thing is taken all ready-India likes to remove their manhole covers during the monsoons...when the streets are flooded, so's that ya can't see the damn thing. wonder if they're made in East Jordon also...if the law won't help, and elected officials won't help, what other recourse does the citizen have? Around these parts of the Mitten, the News Review used to publish the Magistrate's docket, and all the little sins were laid out for residents to read. That was stopped when when Joe Sixpack become Todd Tennis-Sweater and started driving a Lincoln SUV instead of a Ford "wood-cuttin' truck'.


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