Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Cleveland hyjinx

Kimberley Sirk at Kent State Magazine reports on Cleveland's efforts to have a little fun despite the city's declining population:

"Terry Schwarz, a senior planner with the Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative, has embarked on an ambitious set of projects to prove, in a playful and whimsical way, that shrinking cities can retain expansive hope.

"A Pop-Up event is, as Schwarz explains, a temporary use of vacant land or buildings. The intent is to highlight the different kinds of potential in vacant sites in Cleveland, and to develop a sustainable business model for others who want to try their hands at similar festivities. The events, or installations as they are sometimes called, are envisioned to include outdoor markets, restaurants and shops, art installations, concerts, landscape interventions and other fun, yet thought-provoking events."
Not sure how well this sort of thing would go over in Flint.

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