Friday, August 22, 2008

Flint Artifacts: Stroh's Beer Belt Buckle

(And yes, I do own this very sophisticated item.)


  1. You gotta auction that off as a Flint Ex-Pats fund-raiser!!!!!

  2. But I wear it on a regular basis. I see your real motive, Jim. You want this belt buckle. Back off. It's mine.

  3. Look bunt-boy, that thing will look S W E E T welded onto to the sacred carp chalice, a much higher calling than attracting attention to your groin. Cought it up.

  4. Jeeeeez, I don't which one of you frightens me more! Gordie I seriously doubt you're going to live down the name "bunt-boy" any time soon...

  5. I do believe that was the first reference to my groin – or anyone else's – on Flint Expatriates.

  6. We built a Homecoming float in Goodrich, with Stroh's as the theme...after 2 months of secrecy building it, we took it into the infield and we were banned from the took it to the baseball diamond, and burned it, then put potatoes in the police car's exhaust, pulled all the fire alarms in town, and put cigarette timers on M-80's ( the REAL ones ) in the cemetary...and took our Strohs kegger party into the Hadley Hills...where we shot mortar-type fireworks off...we knew how to party back then....

  7. Pilgrim...

    Not to change the subject, but since you brought up Goodrich, I recall the Goodrich Martians competing against Hamady on Channel 12's high school "college bowl" - I don't remember what it was called. Anyway, the Martians wore sunglasses while mocking the process and annoying the moderator. The Hamady team met all my expectations, wearing ties and blue blazers (anyone actually dressing like that for school would have gotten their face caved in) managed a pitifully low score, essentially only answering the TV questions accurately. The Martians domianted without breaking a sweat, further annoying the moderator. The beer float is a priceless memory.


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