Friday, August 29, 2008

Nudist club just misunderstood

You know, I always thought of Burton as a pretty quiet, low-key sort of place. Compared to Flint, you might even call it sedate. Man, either things have changed or I never got a chance to experience the real Burton:

"A 'nudist club' on Fenton Road is in trouble for allegedly offering more than just relaxing massages," reports Bryn Mickle of The Flint Journal.

"With complaints from residents that used condoms have littered the neighborhood since the Paradise Spa and Sun Club opened this year, Genesee County Prosecutor David S. Leyton has asked a judge to padlock the club on the grounds that it is a front for prostitution.

"The owners says the club is misunderstood.

"'It's a beautiful place and it's above board,' said Jon Lindhurst.

"'My neighbors don't understand it.'"


  1. some people have no sense of humor...hell, we had a nude beach even up here, north of the 45th. but, I can more than understand the concern of the neighbors, what w/used sexsox all over the sod. at least you'd know who was packing a pistol...

  2. "...used sexsox all over the sod"?!?! Wow. Quote of the year.

    I useta send away for brochures from Whispering Pines Nudist Camp in Metamora. Chock full of hilarious/disturbing photos of nude tennis, nude cycling, nude euchre, nude kayaking, nude families, nude canoodling, you get the nude picture.
    The best part was the detailed text that "encouraged" women to come on out. The brochure author went to great lengths to insure ladies that they would be accepted whatever their physical appearance may be. This was juxtaposed with photos of attractive, slender women (well, by Michigan standards) nude picnicking, nude innertubeing, and nude grilling. Not sure if the mixed message ever paid off.

    Having said that, I gotta hand it these Burton entrepreneurs. Bravo. Maybe they could re-open in one of the new mixed retail-condo developments in downtown Flint.

  3. it's not what I was originally gonna write, but GY likes me top behave myself.said His Mom reads this. I respect Mothers, so sexsox it was. Where were You off to for so long?

  4. My mom is cracking up at all the decorum in her name. Keep up the good work.

  5. Nude euchre! It sucks that no one in Massachusetts plays euchre, tho' maybe if I offered a nude tutoring session I could get some converts.

  6. I swear the only people in the USA who know how to play euchre are from Michigan, and I'm quite sure they got the game from those just-across-the-border card-playing Canadians...

  7. Buffalo residents are also eager Euchre players, which reinforces the Canadian link.


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