Tuesday, June 2, 2009

G.M. Car Slideshow

The New York Times has a nice slideshow of owners with their G.M. cars here.


  1. gordo's submission makes it!!!!! sweet

  2. Nice Electra 225.

    My parents had one, too...a bronze convertible, bought 1 year old from my uncle. I think that was my Mom's car, with my Dad driving a Chevy station wagon. I had my license, though, so I got to borrow it for dates. 8^)

  3. In the Movie "Twins" Danny Devito says a line that his twin(Arnold Swartzenagger) got all the good genes and he was developed out of the leftover crap. It seems that all the beautiful GM cars pictured in the NY Times slideshow represents GM's version of Governator Arnold while I had the bad luck over a twenty-five year span to buy every economy Chevy made by GM from the leftover crap represented by the Danny twin. First was a Corvair, next a Nova, then two Vega's, followed by a Citation, and finally the Chevette. Each time I went from bad to worse. The best was the Chevy Nova but even that was always breaking down and a constant money drain to maintain. My biggest mistake was I remained loyal to Chevy like my Dad and always bought the latest GM economy model to save $$$. I always ended up overspending to keep them running, so there went all the economy. Then I woke up and found Toyota and Subaru in the 1980's and have never looked back. I guess I'm one of the reasons GM is now in Chapter 11 and my hometown is in an economic mess. I'll take some of the blame, but I would never have gone out looking for Japanese brands if GM wouldn't have continued to pump out the junk and waited so long to reach Japanese standards. It was already too late for them to survive but we didn't know it. They are just as much to blame for this mess as I am.


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