Friday, July 17, 2009

Flint Photos: Coney Connextion


  1. Würstside WarlørdJuly 17, 2009 at 9:07 AM

    Remember the television commercials? C-C-C-Coney Conexion.

  2. I drive by everyday. Keep begging to stop but sofa slug won't. I know I would buy a twinkie, open it, smell it and gag and he would eat the whole thing in one bite. I just want to see what it looks like.

  3. I would never have tried a fried twinkie on my own, but somebody brought them to a meeting and I ate one to be polite. They're actually quite good, in a county fair sort of way.

  4. My husband loves this place. Everytime we visit Flint, He is there ordering everything off the menu!

  5. I was wondering when you get this on your site Gordon...

    I see this sign on my out of Dodge..I mean

    I wonder if they make REAL Flint Coneys...


  6. this place rocks lovin the chicken bacon pita or the coneys very yummy


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