Thursday, May 8, 2008

Flint Photos: Bishop Avenue

A portrait by 21-year-old Flint photographer Justin Clanton.


  1. Enough already. Justin, we get the picture, Flint is a dump. Snapping photos of dilapidated Flint houses is gauche and about as passé as skateboarding and emo music. Look, any wanker with a digital camera can take "stark and haunting" pictures in Flint. Take a hint from Flint original Adam Gerics: buy one of those houses and take a stand!!

    Sorry Gordon, don't mean to be so negative but images of urban decay taken by art students get on my nerves.

  2. Here is an even better photo of Adam.

    If only a fraction of suburban emo art students could be more like him...

  3. make a good point. I looked back over all my posts and I have gone a little overboard on this. For some reason I can take the photos more than the overwrought writing of the urban planners who have adopted
    Flint as there pet project and prime example of the decline of America. I vow to take a break from my urban decay porn. (Although I usually turn to it when I'm out of other material, so I may be in trouble.)

    And I also vow to get a hold of Adam. Do you happen to have any contact info on him? If so, email me at gordieyoung (at) sbcglobal (dot) net

  4. But wasn't the Gerics clan from Clio, not Flint? And I really don't mind the urban decay porn. However, I also like shipwrecks.

  5. Urban decay doesn't bother me either, but I sort of like old stuff. I see potential, not depression.

    But smurfs has a point... why not take a shot of some beautiful houses that aren't decaying... they're out there... and worth a snap, just like those 50's photos were worth a snap.


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