Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sweet Marie's

There was a candy store right behind St. Mike's on Chippewa Street where the kids used to go after school. I think the place was called Sweet Marie's and I believe this is the building on Google Maps, but I'm not exactly sure. Does this ring a bell with anyone? It would have been in the early seventies, but it seemed like the place had been around forever.

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  1. You are exactly right and my rotten teeth point to the fact I spent too much money here. Remember Squirrel Chews I lived just a few blocks over and would take the long way home from St Mike's to stop here. I think even my mom bought candy here before I could spend my meager 10 cents a week.

  2. Wow, so it really was an old-fashioned candy shop? I thought it was but then started to doubt myself. I feared it may have been just another party store. I remember a regular glass counter filled with candy and you had to tell the lady what you wanted? Is that right, Jan?

  3. What's left of my sweet tooth started throbbing this morning reading and seeing Sweet Marie's aka Sour Louie's her husbands nickname. He just seemed to not like us when we only wanted to spend our nickel saved from not buying milk at lunch hour.
    Sweet Marie's was one of my after school pit stops during the late fifties grade school years.
    Once I was making money on the side turning in pop bottles for the deposit I could never make it pass the pinball machine at Center Bowling Alley across the street from the IHM Convent.

    When we went downtown we often stopped at Marie's competition Shippatache's on the South side of Saginaw St. Bridge. Hope I spelled that close enough.

    I always wondered how they survived during Lent when all of us were somewhat influenced to abstain from all sweet's except from the bake sales put on by the Home Economics class downstairs next to the cafeteria. Best Wishes to all St. Mike's graduate's

  4. snuck over to sweet maries all the time..usually lunch time. The nun's at
    St Michaels nun's told us we weren't supposed to go over to sweet marie's during school hours but the owner never refused a purchase either!

    Thanks for the memories...Flintstoner80

  5. They made fantastic chocolate Easter baskets. They were molded chocolate baskets with chocolate covered peanut handles. They'd fill them with green colored coconut "grass," white chocolate chickens and jelly bean "eggs." They came all wrapped in clear cellophane, tied up with a bow. They were large enough for several of us to share...the basket was quite a bit of chocolate...hard to even break off a piece when you got well below the rim, as it would be pretty solid. They also made smaller chocolate nests and filled them with similar, but fewer items. Their homemade creations were a true delight. I was just mentioning Sweet Marie's and wondering if anyone else remembered. I think my mother knew the owners and always got our Easter treats there.

    1. My parents got our Easter candy at Sweet Marie's. Oh so good.

  6. yes, i lived on louisa st. and made it a daily trip to that store.

    1. George, I lived on Margaret St. One next to Louisa. Where on Louisa did you live?

    2. I was just talking to my wife about the first time I had white chocolate
      and Sweet Marie's came to mind. I remembered the white chocolate with what I thought were rice crispies.
      I went to Doyle Elementary and would go there whenever I could.That was the 60's. Thanks for the memories...

  7. I remember Sweet Marie's used to go there after school but it was run by the Catholic nuns my memory may not be what it used to be


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