Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Sarah Henderson Defends Fritz on Facebook
Apparently, Fritz Henderson's daughter has spelled out on Facebook exactly what went down at G.M. regarding her dad's ouster using colorful language that many Flintoids are quite familiar with. (It's similar to the language you might use after your Chevette broke down for the fifth time on a cold winter morning on Dort Highway.) I can't really repeat what she wrote here, but go to Jalopnik to get the details.
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Our Chevette never broke down, even after 10 years! GM, on the other hand, needs to be stripped down and re-built from the bottom up, if that's feasible. My guess, though, is that it would be easier for someone to start from scratch.
ReplyDeleteWith tongue placed firmly in cheek -- all that I got to say is that Fritz's kid sure does have a firm grasp of the English language and I bet she sure made her Daddy proud with that outburst.
ReplyDeleteI reckon it might have been a bit frustrating for Fritz to work for the Adminstration folks who don't have a clue about either manufacturing or creation of market demand and provided impossibly conflicted restructuring requirements in the context of mandates that the UAW not be hurt; then the new Board that doesn't have a clue about either manufacturing or creation of market demand and provided impossibly conflicted performance demands in regard to disposition of Hummer, Pontiac, Saturn, SAAB and Opel; then Ed Whitacre a/k/a Mr. Nice Guy.
ReplyDeleteWith his hypercompetitive need to prove that he's better than Alan Mulally and Lee Iococca combined, and his inherent attitude according to many prior accounts that everyone around him is underperforming pond scum, he must be a joy to work for.
Whew!! I hadn't read the daughter's out burst before I commented. She hates me as much as she hates Whitacre.
ReplyDeleteFrom the mid fifties,when GM controlled 50% of the auto market to 2009, that percentage had wasted away to less than 20%. According to Bloomberg the stocks value slid to losses of 88 billion dollars between 2004 and 2008 during Wagoner's tenure. The First Hundred Days theme for Fritz, who knows the auto market (he grew up there) was like putting a blindfold on a good hitter and expecting a homerun...Result- a foul and two clean misses.Your out! Next up: Ed Whitacre, swish, swish, swish. Your out! Next up: Probably another bean counter. Well, it looks like we got a no hitter going folks..