Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Lost Logos of the Detroit Tigers


The Detroit Tigers uniforms are considered classics, but who knew they had such questionable logos over the years?




  1. The 1901-2 one is even more questionable. As I've heard it, it was a registered logo, but nobody can confirm that the logo was ever actually displayed on jerseys or anywhere else. The guy at Detroit Athletic Co. is offering a prize for any proof the tigers ever donned that logo anywhere, and as of yet, I don't think he's had a winner (just a few fraud photos).

  2. It is hard to imagine that one actually being used, Vaudiophile, now that you bring it up, even in 1901. Maybe it was a school project by the owners 3 year old?

  3. Hey, wait a minute:


  4. Geewhy,

    Vaudiophile is a friend of mine and he owns that hat. I think it looks pretty cool. I love how the 27-28 one looks crosseyed. That is how I imagine Brandon Inge when he is batting.

  5. Yeah, I have to admit the logo looks kind of cool when you see it on the actual hat.

    Ah, Inge.

  6. Although it does look more like a house cat than a tiger.

  7. lol, that is exactly what his girlfriend compared it to on Friday.

  8. For a trip down memory lane and some fun, check out http://www.sportslogos.net/. The site has grown quite a bit over the past couple of years and covers logos from many teams in several major sports.

  9. Randy, at least they improved over time!

  10. Sorry about a recent comment. It slipped by me. It has been removed. Thanks.


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