Friday, March 22, 2013

Flint Northern High School Will Close

More Flint school closings are on the way. Dominic Adams of The Flint Journal reports:
"Flint Northern High School will close as a 7th through 12th grade building. Students currently at the school will move to Northwestern and Southwestern high schools. Flint Northern will become the Northern Alternative Education Center and offer a new program for sutdents in 7th through 9th grade. The students who previously attended Zimmerman will move to Northern. Byrant, Dort, Washington elementary schools and Zimmerman will be closed."


  1. Also Washington Elementary School where I attended until 1952.

  2. Does this mean that Southwestern Academy will again be Southwestern High School? I hope so. I'm tired of explaining to people that the high school I went to no longer exists as we knew it. The name Southwestern Academy always sounded like a military school or reform school.

  3. Who woulda thunk that the Northern vs. Central rivalry would have been won by Northwestern and Southwestern?

    Northern was falling apart just 15 years or so after it''s construction. Rumor has it the school was designed by a prison architect. Makes sense.

  4. Ok - the house I grew up in on Pasadena Street has been bulldozed and now my high school is gone. Flint isn't getting any better.

    1. True, but have you tried the crepes downtown?

      Your alma mater is gone, your homestead bulldozed, and crime in the old neighborhood is off the charts, but if you listen to the Fentonian Uptown folks they'll tell you artwalks and moving the farmers market are of utmost importance.

  5. All my schools will be closed: Roosevelt, Coolidge, Civic Park, Emerson #1, Emerson #2 and now "New" Northern. Bummer.

  6. I guess we can't call it the "new" northern anymore lol

  7. I'm suprised Herbert Cleeves couldn't keep it open.


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