Monday, May 12, 2008

River's Edge

Lower the water level of the Flint River a few feet and there's no telling what you might find.


  1. Last time the river was lowered they had similar results. The cops used a fish finder and discovered additional "schools" of cars in convenient locations. Can you imagine if it was possible to drain the river entirely?! Sure, there would be a few dead carp, but the archaeological finds would be mind-boggling. I'll bet you there are more than a few rusted barrels of assorted toxins near Buick and Chevy.

    A few years back when the fabri-dam was repaired they found it had been pierced by numerous knives, bullets, and assorted other projectiles. With it fixed the channels at Riverbank Park were full for a time. The fouuntains however didn't work and Archimede's Screw had long since been sold by the city for scrap metal. Oh yeah, the "World's Longest Mural" in the park had been painted over by Ex-Con Don's Brown Paint Grafitti Busters Brigade too.

  2. Ya gotta love the local media. (Major sarcasm) Sometimes I wonder if they even hear what they are saying. ABC12 on Thursday May 8th aired a report on the lowered water levels and the vehicle sightings. Josh DeVine then said that there was some concern about finding bodies in the vehicles. Authorities were so concerned, in fact, that they were going to send dive teams out "as early as Saturday." OK...I know if there were any bodies they would already be dead, but to think someone might be there and not to even look for at least 2 days? Am I the only one that finds that unnerving? Repulsive? Negligent?

  3. Sad to say, but that's the world we live in.


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