Monday, June 1, 2009

G.M. Announces Cuts and Closures

Here's a list of the plants and facilities affected by G.M.'s "accelerated manufacturing plan to improve capacity utilization and flexibility." (Perhaps they can find some PR flaks who write a bit better during the bankruptcy.)

June 1, 2009 U.S. GM Manufacturing Optimization Plan Actions


Status / Timing
(date listed or sooner depending on market demand)


Orion, Mich.

Standby Capacity - September 2009

Pontiac, Mich.

Close - October 2009

Spring Hill, Tenn.

Standby Capacity - November 2009

Wilmington, Del.

Close - July 2009


Grand Rapids, Mich.

Close - June 2009 (previously announced)

Indianapol, Ind.

Close - December 2011

Mansfield, Ohio

Close - June 2010

Pontiac, Mich.

Standby Capacity - December 2010


Livonia Engine, Mich.

Close - June 2010

Flint North Components, Mich.

Close - December 2010

Willow Run Site, Mich.

Close - December 2010

Parma Components, Ohio

Close - December 2010

Fredericksburg Components, Virg.

Close - December 2010

Massena Castings, N.Y.

Closed - May 1, 2009 (previously announced)

Service & Parts Operations (SPO)
Warehousing & Parts Distribution Centers

Boston, Mass.

Close – December 31, 2009

Jacksonville, Fla.

Close – December 31, 2009

Columbus, Ohio

Close – December 31, 2009

1 comment:

  1. It appears that the closings have some geographic spread to them. Now's the time for whole communities to come together and support these workers until the turnaround re-inflates the industry. They are victims, just as surely as if a flood or a hurricane hit.


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