Thursday, October 9, 2008

Flint Artifacts: Central High Letter Sweater


  1. Thanks for the memories, Gordo. Somewhere in the dark corner of a box of memorabilia from my youth is a CHS letter for '63 JV football. Coaches were Dave Brynes and Jack Ewing. Can't remember our record but the varsity that year was No. 1 in the state rankings following their defeat of Bay City Central. Tiny Laster, George Hoey, Norm Walter, Glen Bivins, Leroy Blasingame, Tom Pierson, Doug Weir....

  2. leroy blasingame? must be the big brother of my friend and classmate at civic park tamika blasingame

  3. I went to CHS and graduated 2006. When I attended someone found "Flint Central Girls Swimming" sweat shirts in the boiler room (many areas of the school were closed and off limits because the up keep was too expensive, struacters were dangerous and unstable). I wasn't on the swim team however traded some earrings to a classmate in exchange for one. The swim team got them all, I wasn't really supposed to have it. I still have it. Waiting table's one night, (at Italia Gardens) I seen the Principle who was there when it closed and brought the sweat shirt out to her to see. She thought it was from the 70's. Not sure what year it could have been from. I would love to send a picture or donate it to a museum that would appreciate it's history. Please e-mail if interested.

    1. Anyone remember when Central stopped using the F varsity letter (for Flint High School), or did that continue? The letter has a trumpet on it, which probably indicated it was from band participation. What do the three marks to the left of the trumpet indicate? Track participation?

      I wonder what kind of bad breakup would have caused that poor girl to leave the sweater behind. Maybe someone here knows the story. Maybe someone here can identify it as theirs. Maybe someone wants their sweater back. Or maybe she's now married to someone like "Christian Grey" and doesn't care.

    2. That is a letter awarded for band participation. The hash marks indicate the number of years of participation.

    3. Flint Central never discontinued the F varsity letter. I graduated in 2007, and we still had the F, it just wasn't the same one shown in the above photo.


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